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In most remote Canadian communities, many of which are Indigenous, diesel fuel is the primary or only source of energy. The remote and logistically challenging nature of many of these communities also underscores the vulnerability of their energy supply chain given the intermittent reliability of diesel deliveries.

Energy Independence and Reduced Emissions

New Revenue Stream & Economic Diversification

Employment & Training Opportunities

Our Indigenous and Community Projects

Why Solvest

Collaborative Approach

Solvest works closely with communities to identify their specific energy needs and designs robust renewable energy systems that are tailored to maximize impact and economic benefits.

Community Involvement

Solvest prioritizes community collaboration throughout project development. Through joint development of training programs that align with the specific goals of the client, community members become equipped with the skills needed for careers in renewable energy. This approach has proven successful in projects like the Old Crow solar project and the KDFN McIntyre homes project.

Sustainable Revenue Generation

Our renewable energy solutions are designed to generate revenue within the community, fostering local economic development and ensuring that the benefits remain within the community for long-term sustainability

Get in Touch


We serve regions where we can effectively reduce reliance on diesel and empower Northern communities. We are committed to delivering renewable energy solutions that align with these goals, striving to extend our services to regions that benefit most.

Yes, there are many funding agencies that will support RE projects across canada and north, contact us for the most up to date information.